Introduction and Overview about Chicken a la king Recipe
Are you tired of eating the same kind of chicken over and over again? Then why not mix it up by making Chicken a la king?”Grandma’s chicken ala king”. This chicken a la king recipe is a traditional recipe that is very easy to make and it tastes great. It will no doubt become the centerpiece dish at your next dinner party. So, let’s get started.

Prep Time
20 Mins
Resting Time
0 Mins
Cooking Time
40 Mins
Total Time
1 Hr
658 cal
Ingredients for Chicken a la king:
- 8 chicken breast fillets
- 1 jar green asparagus
- 200 gr diced mozzarella cheese
- 3/4 cup chicken soup
- 3/4 cup mayonnaise (any)
- Pepper to taste
- vegetable spray
- 1 tablespoon large butter
- NO added salt
- Large bowl
- Wire wisk
- Saucepan
Step by Step Instructions
- Chop the fillets into cubes.
- Melt butter.
- Cook butter until golden brown.
- Add chicken.
- Cook stirring all the time. Add pepper.
- Do not cook completely, they only put something white on the outside. Put out the fire, reserve.
- Spray the dish with vegetable spray (or butter it).
- Drain the asparagus.
- Arrange a bed of asparagus in the chosen source.
- Put the reserved chicken on the asparagus
- Then put the mozzarella cubes evenly
- In a separate jar or pot, add the chicken broth
- Add the mayonnaise
- Beat with a wire whisk until smooth.
- Add this mixture of broth with mayonnaise to our preparation.
- Bake at 220 degrees C for 30 minutes.
- Serve with rice as it is very soupy. Enjoy it.
Watch the YouTube video to see the Chicken a la king recipe visually
Helping Video about Chicken a la king
Video by: The Stay At Home Chef
That was the tasty and best Chicken a la king recipe. Try this at home today. Do not forget to share your thoughts in the comments section below.