Introduction and Overview of Chocotorta Recipe
Chocotarta is a delicious layered chocolate cake that is easy to make and tastes great. The recipe is simple and this recipe is from one of the best Argentina dessert recipes. I’ll provide the chocotorta recipe here and you can go ahead and try it out.

Prep Time
50 Mins
Resting Time
12 Hrs
Cooking Time
0 Mins
Total Time
12 Hrs 50 Mins
410 cal
Ingredients for Chocotorta:
- 2 Packets of Chocolinas chocolate cookies
- 600 g. mascarpone cheese
- 600 g. sweet milk
- 2 tablespoons of soluble coffee
- 200 ml. hot water
- 100 g. chocolate to decorate (gluten-free if someone has celiac disease)
- Large bowl
- Egg beater
- Rectangular mold
Step by Step Instructions
- In a bowl, beat together the cheese and dulce de leche until obtaining a smooth and homogeneous cream. To make it look better, use a whisk. We reserve covered in the fridge.
- We prepare the coffee, if you are going to eat this cake it should be decaffeinated coffee (you can also use soluble coffee, from your favorite brand). We pour the coffee into a bowl and bathe the cookies in it, for 3 or 4 seconds.
- As the cookies are square, the ideal is to use a square or rectangular mold, and we are placing the cookies forming a base. Next, we spread the mixture of cheese and dulce de leche that we had reserved, creating a layer and covering again with another layer of cookies soaked in coffee.
- We are forming layers, at least three, finishing the cake with a layer of cream cheese with dulce de leche. Finally, we decorate with grated cocoa or with chocolate or colored shavings. In our case, we used a pastry bag to take advantage of what was left of the filling and so it had a pint of yummy.
- We reserve it in the fridge at least 12 hours before consuming it. It is much better, from one day to the next.
Watch the YouTube video to see the Chocotorta recipe visually
Helping Video about Chocotorta Recipe
Video by: emmymade
That was the tasty and my favorite Chocotorta recipe. Try this at home today for your kids. Do not forget to share your thoughts in the comments section below.