Introduction and Overview about Focaccia Recipe
This very simple and basic focaccia recipe uses very few ingredients and is easy to make. Focaccia can be served as an appetizer or a great side dish to a nice Italian dinner. It is also good with a nice cold beer. Today’s blog will be a review of a recipe for focaccia bread.

Prep Time
45 Mins
Resting Time
0 Mins
Cooking Time
15 Mins
Total Time
1 Hr
594 cal
Ingredients for Focaccia:
- Force flour200 g
- Common wheat flour300 g
- Dry baker’s yeast7 g
- Sugar10 g
- Fine salt10 g
- Water350 g
- Extra virgin olive oil for brushing
- Provencal herbs to taste
- Coarse salt to taste
We also suggest the following ingredients to try
-Dried tomato previously hydrated in oil (important that it is hydrated or it will burn). A good idea is to hydrate them at home in our favorite oil, overnight, and use that oil for the focaccia
-Good quality black or green olives
-Fresh tomatoes are not very ripe, better if they are cherry
-Onion or leek sliced not very thin
-Buffalo mozzarella, blue cheese, feta, or goat cheese
-Anchovies, ham, bacon, chorizo, chistorra …
-Roasted bell pepper, cooked or roasted pumpkin, thinly sliced zucchini
-Grape, cherries, orange, peach, blueberries
- Large bowl
- Dough maker
- Baking tray
Step by Step Instructions
- Combine the flours with the salt in a bowl. Make a hole and add the water with the sugar and yeast. Begin to mix until homogenized, cover with a cloth and wait 10-15 minutes.
- Begin to knead. As it is a moist dough, it can be used with a dough mixer or robot with a dough hook (about 8-10 minutes), or it can be done by hand. It is easier if the first minutes you fold the dough on itself using a scraper lightly greased with oil. Be careful not to add more flour.
- Grease the work table, pour in the dough, and knead by hand, greasing them from time to time with oil or moistening them with water, working continuously or with short kneading and resting for 15-30 minutes.
- When the dough is smooth, elastic, and soft (see photos), cover with a damp cloth or kitchen film in a greased container, and let rise until almost doubled in size. It shouldn’t take more than an hour, but it depends a lot on yeast, kneading, and temperature.
- Grease a rectangular tray about 15×25 cm (approximately) and about 3 cm high with oil. Gently pour in the raised dough and spread it slightly without squashing it, spreading it from the bottom with greased hands. It does not have to be perfect, it will expand by itself. Brush with oil and leave to rise for 20-30 minutes.
Watch the YouTube video to see the Focaccia recipe visually
Helping Video about Focaccia Recipe
Video by: Kitchen & Craft
That was the tasty and best focaccia recipe. Try this at home today for your family in dinner. Do not forget to share your thoughts in the comments section below.