Introduction and Overview of Greek Iced Coffee Recipe
If you are a coffee lover, then you are going to love this new drink. It’s drinkable, it’s sweet, it’s delicious, and it’s healthy. Sounds like a lot of cliches doesn’t it? Well, it is true. It is one of the best things you can put in your body. Greek iced coffee is made by brewing strong coffee over ice. So, let’s have a look at the Greek iced coffee recipe.

Prep Time
5 Mins
Resting Time
0 Mins
Cooking Time
0 Mins
Total Time
5 Mins
57 cal
Ingredients for Greek iced coffee:
- Sugar or the equivalent in sweetener, 4 teaspoons (you can add more or less depending on how you like the coffee more or less sweet)
- Regular or decaffeinated instant coffee, 2 teaspoons
- Coldwater, 150 ml (mineral water if you live in a place with very hard water)
- Ice cubes
- Coffee hand shaker
- High ball glass
1: Pour everything into a shaker and shake Well, it is as simple as that, we add the instant soluble coffee, the sugar or sweetener, the water, and the ice into a shaker with a capacity of at least 500 ml.
Shake vigorously for a minute or two until we notice that it stops sounding like liquid inside.
2: Serve
We open the shaker carefully because the foam tends to overflow and we serve immediately. We can put a straw and, if we want to give it a very refreshing touch, we can add a slice of lemon.
Origin of Greek coffee
Many of you are likely familiar with this quick way of preparing a cold coffee because you have seen it in a popular TV commercial back in the 90s, you may even remember having had one of the plastic shakers that gave away at home the brand of the ad to prepare this coffee at home. But the truth is that the history of this way of preparing coffee dates back to 1957 during the International Trade Fair of Thessaloniki in Greece.
At that time, a Nestlé employee who was part of a delegation of the brand that was there to present another product that was prepared in a shaker found that it was time to rest and he did not have hot water to drink his drink. usual instant coffee, so he chose to improvise by preparing it in cold water in the shakers they had for the exhibition, the result was a coffee with a large amount of foam that surprised everyone present. Today, coffee prepared in this way is considered the Greek national coffee and is served in bars and cafes across the country.
In the 90s, the brand itself chose frappe or shaken coffee as the protagonist of an advertising campaign and, although at that time it might seem like a novel marketing idea, the truth is that this coffee had already been consumed in Greece for 30 years before. Over the years, it has also become popular in other countries, although some have slightly modified the recipe, such as Denmark, where it is customary to prepare it with milk instead of water, or in Serbia, where it is added a scoop of ice cream.
Watch the YouTube video to see the Greek iced coffee recipe visually
Helping Video about Greek iced coffee Recipe
(Click the red icon below to start the video)
That was the tasty and my favorite Greek iced coffee recipe. Try this at home today for your family. Do not forget to share your thoughts in the comments section below.