Introduction and Overview of Rasstegai Recipe
Treat your loved ones with Rasstegai (meat pies). You are going to read the Rasstegai recipe in this post. It’s very tasty! Traditional pies are made with fish filling, but meat filler is not the worst option. Such pies are more satisfying and nutritious. If your family loves meat dishes, then this recipe will come in handy. Let’s have a look.

Prep Time
15 Mins
Resting Time
100 Mins
Cooking Time
40 Mins
Total Time
155 Mins
Side dish
260 cal
Ingredients for Rasstegai Recipe with meat (for dough)
- 200 ml milk
- 20 tablespoon flour
- 1 tablespoon sugar
- 1 teaspoon dry yeast
- 3 tablespoon vegetable oil
- Salt to taste
- 1 egg
Ingredients for filling
- 2 onion
- 700 gram minced meat
- 70 gram butter
- Spices to taste (dry)
- Food thermometer
- Cling film
- Frying pan
- Baking sheet
- Baking paper
- Rolling pin
- Microwave oven
Rasstegai recipe step by step instructions
Step 1
Cooking yeast dough. To begin with, let’s make dough. Milk is heated to a temperature of 35 degrees. We breed yeast in it, add sugar, salt, sift the fourth part of the prepared and pre-sifted flour, and mix. The mixture should be thick like sour cream. Let the dough rise in a warm place for 20 minutes.
Step 2
Pour the remaining flour into the dough, which also needs to be sifted. Pour in the oil and knead a smooth and elastic dough. Form a ball, transfer it to a bowl. Cover with cling film and let stand in a warm place for 1 hour.
Step 3
Now we going to prepare the stuffing. Clean the onion and fry in a pan with the addition of butter until golden, stir. Add minced meat, salt, and your favorite spices to the onion.
Step 4
Also, fry the mass while stirring – do not over dry it. Approximate frying time – 7 minutes on moderate heat.
Step 5
Punch the dough, form a sausage, and divide it with a knife into equal pieces. The size of which will depend on the size of the rasstegai. Roll each piece into a thin cake and cut it from two edges.
Step 6
We put the filling in the center, pull off the cut edges, put one through the other and pinch from the sides. You will get half-open pies.
Step 7
Cover the baking sheet with baking paper, grease it with oil. Put rasstegai with meat on top. Lubricate them with an egg and let them stand for 20 minutes.
Step 8
Put the baking sheet in the oven, bake rasstegai for 30 minutes at 180 degrees.
Step 9
During this time, they will become brown and fully. Now you know how to bake rasstegai with meat!
Everyone will like the beautiful appearance of rasstegai with meat. By simplifying the preparation of a ready-made semi-finished dough, you will save your own time. These meat rasstegais are delicious both hot and cold. Can be served with milk, kefir, tea, compote, and other drinks to your taste.
Watch the YouTube video to see the Russian rasstegai recipe visually. This video is made by a YouTube channel in Russian language named ” ФотоКулинария”. The English name of this channel is “Photo Cooking”.
Note for video:
The video is in the Russian language. You need to translate its subtitles into English before starting. Follow the steps:
- Play the video and go to settings.
- Then click on “Subtitles/CC”.
- You’ll see the word “Russian auto-generated” already ticked. Now click on “Auto Translate” under it.
- Select your language (English) and you are good to go.
Helping Video about Russian Rasstegai Recipe
(Click the red icon below to start the video)
Nutritional Facts Rasstegai Recipe

Nutritional facts per ingredient:
Name | Calories | Carbs | Protein | Total Fats | Sodium | Sugar |
200 ml Milk | 149 kcal | 11.66 g | 7.69 g | 7.98 g | 105 mg | 12.32 g |
20 Tablespoon Flour | 569 kcal | 119.2 g | 16.14 g | 1.53 g | 3 mg | 0.42 g |
1 Tablespoon Sugar | 31 kcal | 7.98 g | 0 g | 0 g | 0 mg | 7.82 g |
1 Teaspoon Dry Yeast | 11 kcal | 1.23 g | 1.43 g | 0.05 g | 178 mg | 0.1 g |
3 Tablespoon Vegetable oil | 371 kcal | 0 g | 0 g | 42 g | 0 mg | 0 g |
A pinch of salt | 0 kcal | 0 g | 0 g | 0 g | 388 mg | 0 g |
1 Egg | 55 kcal | 0.61 g | 2.7 g | 4.51 g | 8 mg | 0.1 g |
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That was the tasty and my favorite Rasstegai with meat. Try this at home today. Now we are going to tell you Rasstegai recipe with fish. Do not forget to share your thoughts in the comments section below.
Rasstegai recipe with fish

The most delicious and most popular rasstegai is with fish. Just in case, for those who do not know, a rasstegai is a yeast dough pie from Russian cuisine, which has a lot of juicy filling, and which is made in a special way with a hole in the center. Although the dough is yeasty, the rasstegais are easy to prepare. Let’s try rasstegai recipe with fish.
Prep Time
20 Mins
Resting Time
90 Mins
Cooking Time
30 Mins
Total Time
140 Mins
Side dish
260 cal
Ingredients for Rasstegai Recipe with fish (for dough)
- ½ cup of water
- ½ cup milk
- 2.5 teaspoons of dry yeast or 25-gram fresh yeast
- 500 gr all-purpose flour
- 1 egg
- 2 tablespoons sunflower oil
- 1 teaspoon salt
Ingredients for filling
- 500 grams fish fillet
- 2 large onions
- 2/3 teaspoon salt
- 1/3 teaspoon ground black pepper
- 1 teaspoon dried dill or a small bunch of fresh dill (optional)
- Pinch of cardamom (optional)
- 1 tablespoon vegetable oil
- 40-gram butter
For decoration
- 1 egg
- Large bowl
- Baking sheet
- Baking paper
- Baking paper
- Microwave oven
Rasstegai recipe with fish: Step by step instructions
Step 1
I have tried many recipes for yeast dough for pies, and I must say that this one is one of the most successful. Very good proportion, the dough fits perfectly, it turns out airy and tasty. So, mix water with milk, heat up to 40-45 ° C, but not higher, otherwise the yeast will die. Dissolve the yeast.
Step 2
Add 1 teaspoon sugar and 1 tablespoon flour, mix and put in a warm place for 20 minutes.
Step 3
While the yeast rises, sift the flour. By the way, immediately lay out the egg from the refrigerator so that it is not cold.
Step 4
When the dough is suitable (covered with bubbles and increases in volume), add 2.5 cups of flour. Then add 1 egg, 3 tablespoon vegetable oil, and 1 teaspoon salt.
Step 5
Knead the dough. Then put the dough on a floured table and begin to knead it well. The dough will take some more flour. As a result, we should get a fairly soft dough.
Step 6
Now form a large bun and put it in a warm place for 30-40 minutes. Cover the dough with a paper towel so it doesn’t dry out.
Fish stuffing for Rasstegai recipe
Step 7
You can take any fish; the main thing is to remove all the bones. The most practical and convenient option is to take hake fish fillet, as they say, tasty and inexpensive. Of course, pies with salmon turn out awesome, but you can’t call such a budget rasstegai. You can also use frozen fish fillets, but in this case, you should keep in mind that the weight of the thawed fish is less than the frozen one (after defrosting, a lot of water remains).
Step 8
Cut the fish fillet into pieces of about 1.5×1.5 cm, it can be larger.
Step 9
Take two large onions, clean, finely chopped. Simmer in a small amount of vegetable oil. It is not necessary to fry strongly and even more so to dry the onion. If you want the pies with fish to turn out juicy, stew the onion over low heat and preferably under the lid. Let the onion cool down.
Step 10
Combine onions and fish. Add salt, pepper, and dill. People of the traditional culinary orientation can add chopped garlic, but for creatives, I advise you to cook fish rasstegai with the addition of cardamom. This is a very strong spice, so add just one pinch. Then mix all the filling.
Cooking Rasstegai with fish
Step 11
Knead the yeast dough lightly, divide it into 2 parts. Divide each part into 6 identical pieces. Roll each piece with a rolling pin to make a plump cake. Thus, we get 12 cakes, from which we will then make 12 rasstegais with fish.
Step 12
In the center of each cake, put the filling, about 1 tablespoon with a big hill. Then carefully pinch the dough, first from one side, and then from the other so that a small hole remains in the center.
Step 13
Now put the fish rasstegai on a baking sheet covered with parchment or greased with vegetable oil. Place the pies at a considerable distance from each other so that they do not stick together during baking. Put in a warm place for 20-30 minutes, so that the dough comes up.
Step 14
Before putting the pies in the oven, paint with a beaten egg.
Step 15
Put the pies in a well-heated oven (turn on in advance). Bake for 25-30 minutes at 180°C. At this point, monitor the baking, ovens are different, pies can be baked faster.
Step 16
Now take out the tray, beautiful and very appetizing rasstegai with fish are ready. Before getting it cool, put a piece of butter on the filling. You can, of course, melt the butter, and then pour it inside it, but these are unnecessary gestures because the butter will already melt on the hot filling.
Serve warm rasstegais with fish soup, or just eating fish pies as a snack is a real pleasure.
Watch the YouTube video to see the Russian rasstegai recipe with fish visually. This video is made by a YouTube channel in Russian language named ” ФотоКулинария” for fish pie. The English name of this channel is “Photo Cooking”.
Note for video:
The video is in the Russian language. You need to translate its subtitles into English before starting. Follow the steps:
- Play the video and go to settings.
- Then click on “Subtitles/CC”.
- You’ll see the word “Russian auto-generated” already ticked. Now click on “Auto Translate” under it.
- Select your language (English) and you are good to go.